Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Flip Flop Tips and Picks - Fashion in Dubai

Flip flops may look flimsy and way too casual but they are the most comfortable and handiest thing to wear when rushing to a store or doing any of the house chores. So we all know that’s not the attire we want to opt for when going to work, parties, dinners, dates, and weddings.

Tips and picks for choosing the right flip flop

1. Choosing flip flops that only bend at the ball of the foot

Inexpensive flip flops do not usually have a structure due to which they bend right in the middle or do not bend at all. That is not the trait of a proper quality flip flop. A good flip flop only bends when you want it to and where you want it to bend from. That is while walking and that too right at the ball of your foot. This prevents any type of blisters and irritation.

2. The right size matters 

Choosing the right size is crucial, smaller or relatively bigger flip flops than your own size can end up giving you blisters the size of pan cakes. Moreover, your feet hanging flimsily half way out the flip flops or hanging somewhere there within the flip flop makes them prone to getting cuts from rocks and other sharp things on the ground. 

3. Throw them if they are worn out

Do not keep on wearing the same flip flops for years and years. If they are worn out and are showing signs of cracks, throw them out immediately. Any cranks can cause you to trip while walking. Even if you can see the marks of your toes from the past couple of months, replace your flip flops. 

4. Not to wear flip flops at

Do not wear flip flops at all to long walks, hiking or sporty events. You will only end up flat footed and a bad feet ache. Flip flops are only to be worn for light walks such as pool, beach, party or around the house. 

These are the tips, tricks and picks that can help you keep perfect feet without getting any cuts, blisters and other injuries. Flip Flops for women in Dubai are branded which provide you the best comfort a flip flop can give.  

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